Hand and Foot Outprint Plaques

If you are within travelling distance of our studio in Northumberland, simply give us a call on 01661 598532, or e-mail enquiries@capturedkeepsakes.co.uk to book your appointment. If you’re unable to visit the studio and would prefer to have the mould taken at home, this can be arranged at an additional cost.

Newborn – 6 months (includes clear acrylic stand)

1 hand or foot
2 hands, or 2 Feet, or 1 of each

6 months – 18 months (includes clear acrylic stand)

1 hand or foot
2 hands, or 2 feet, or 1 of each

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Captured Keepsakes – Purchase of a laser engraving machine
This project is to support the purchase of a laser engraving machine and website development for Captured Keepsakes.
It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.