Pregnancy Casting (Low Definition and Bowl Style)

If you are within travelling distance of our studio in Northumberland, simply give us a call on 01661 598532, or e-mail to book your appointment. If you’re unable to visit the studio and would prefer to have the mould taken at home, this can be arranged at an additional cost.

Pregnancy Casting

Belly Cast (edges smoothed, bump unsmoothed)
Belly Cast (edges and outside bump smoothed, unpainted)
Belly Cast (edges and outside bump smoothed, outside painted in one colour)
Any of the above with breasts included in cast
additional £35 – £65
Belly Cast made into a bowl (edges smoothed, bump unsmoothed)
Belly Cast made into a bowl (edges and bump smoothed on both sides, unpainted)
Belly Cast made into a bowl (edges and bump smoothed on both sides, painted in one or two colours)
Handcrafted metal bowl stands are available from
£30 in a choice of finishes

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Captured Keepsakes – Purchase of a laser engraving machine
This project is to support the purchase of a laser engraving machine and website development for Captured Keepsakes.
It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.